Dima Bukhal

front-end developer

Personal information:

Date of birth: 02/18/1986

Current location: Omsk, Russian Federation, GMT +6

Contact Information:

E-mail: dimabuhal@gmail.com

Skype: dmitry.bukhal

Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/dimabuhal

Github: github.com/dima-bu

Technical Skills:

HTML: for writing html i use templating - Jade or HAML (for Ruby on Rails projects), in class names use BEM conception

CSS: use preprocessors LESS and SASS and some postprocessors (autoprefixer, rem), as css-framework i use Twitter Bootstrap (LESS version) or Foundation

Version Control System: git and mercurial (also with git/hg flow)

Task runner:Grunt (for html tempating, compile and concat css and js, create sprites, etc. ) or Gulp

Javascript: AngularJS, jQuery, native Javascript

Platform and IDE: Ubuntu and WebStorm, like console.

UX: for creating interactive prototypes use Axure

Content management system (CMS): im work on front-end part with Drupal 6-7, Ruby on Rails, Yii, .NET, UMI.CMS

PSD: or create layouts from PSD i use assets.adobe.com and Photoshop


Wellore: 2008-2009 front-end and back-end Joomla developer

Development Mill: 2010-2012, front-end developer - Drupal , Yii, .NET

Spacebox (Moscow): 2012-2013, front-end and back-end UMI.CMS

Burning Buttons: 2013-2014, front-end developer - Drupal, Ruby on Rails

Hive Development: 2014-present, front-end developer, AngularJS



npm packet - react-time-input

see demo page

Portfolio (favorites):

Digital presskit for AUDI

URL : digital.audi-presskit.de

Spacebox - web studio site

URL : spacebox.ru

livesoccertv - about football

URL : m.livesoccertv.com

Mikluho.Travel - adventure site

URL : mikluho.travel


URL : coupongem

GoQuoty - layer CRM system

URL : GoQuoty